Sunday, October 21, 2012


Dear Associates and working partners, Please be informed that we can provide requisite funding for your diversified project needs anywhere in the world. In expediting action, Please find attached the project funding questionnaire (requirement) to be completed, signed and reverted back to me. In addendum, the below questions should be looked into and answered by every client or investor. The adequate information at hand will expedite the transaction. 1] What is the city and state (or country) where the transaction is located ? 2] How much capital is being requested ? 3] What is the specific use of the funds being requested ? how much is the total project how much are you asking for how much liquid cash do you have can you show proof of funds how much is owners putting in - how much do they all ready have in project who will run the project(contractor) do you own land: if you do not own land how much is land how do you plan to pay back loan what will you use for collateral: what PO's do you have for project when do you want to have the loan when do you want to start project; Thanks and best Regards, PRAVESH (PAT) BHANDARI . CELL IN CANADA---- (604) 360- 1450. MY SKYPE ID...... PRAVESHBHANDARI . Please be advised that I will report all fraud activities and attempt to commit crimes to: INTERPOL, FBI, CIA, IC3, US Treasury Dept., FinCEN, SEC, Federal Reserve, ICC Commercial Crime Services, RCMP, New Scotland Yard, City of London Fraud Squad, Crime Stoppers International as well as any Law Enforcement Agency in your area Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) , Suspicious Activity Report (SAR).

1 comment:

  1. The Le_Meridian Funding Service went above and beyond their requirements to assist me with my loan which i used expand my pharmacy business,They were friendly, professional, and absolute gems to work with.I will recommend  anyone looking for loan to contact.  Or ... + 19893943740.
