Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Subject: PROJECT FINANCING & ASSET MONETIZING HI ,THESE ARE THE PROGRAMS STILL AVAILABLE THROUGH CHRISTMAS////////..COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL FINANCING: USA & INTERNATIONAL ACQUISITION & DEV., BRIDGE, CONSTRUCTION, REFINANCE: ENERGY, GREEN, AGRICULTURE, HOSPITALITY, FLAG HOTELS & GOLF, MARINAS, MEDICAL & HOSPITALS, MIXED USE, REAL ESTATE-SINGLE OR MULTI FAMILY, CONDOS, MANUFACTURING, INFRASTRUCTURE, AIRPORTS, OFFICE BUILDINGS, RETAIL MALLS, RV PARKS, SELF STORAGE, GAS STATIONS WITH CONVENIENCE, PORT & CONTAINER SHIPPING, CHURCHES, AUTO FRANCHISES, MOBILE MFG HOME PARKS, ETC. PROJECT FINANCING UP TO 100%LTV: EQUITY PARTICIPATION.(J V) PRIVATE PLACEMENT PROGRAMS: PREFERRED ASSETS FOR TRADE: CASH, BGs CASH BACKED, SBLCs CASH BACKED, CDs, BANK DRAFTS, MTNs CASH BACKED, CMOs, GOLD AU.... NO UP FRONT FEES FOR CASH OR BGS ON EURO CLEAR WITH SCREEN SHOTS AVAILABLE.OTHER TRADE ASSETS: DUE DILLIGENCE TAKES A LITTLE LONGER & REQUIRES A SMALL RETAINER FEE TO THE PROVIDER AFTER CONTRACTS ARE ISSUED TOO THE CLIENT. BGs, SBLCs, CDs, BONDS OF ALL TYPES, BANK DRAFTS, CMOs, MTNs, LTNs, PROMISSORY NOTES, IBOEs, SKRs FOR DIAMONDS, GOLD, PRECIOUS STONES & ARTWORK. MINES, OUT OF GROUND ASSETS, RESORTS , REAL ESTATE, LIFE SETTLEMENT POLICIES, TAX CREDITS, LINES OF CREDIT, HERITAGE FUNDS, LEASED INSTRUMENT 100M + OR SEE OUR 5M TO 500M LEASE & TRADE PROGRAM BELOW. ASSET RETAINER FEE PROCEDURES FOR OTHER TRADE ASSETS: AFTER APPROVAL OF YOUR ASSET TO GO FORWARD FOR A TRADE, The Client Will Receive Three (3) Contracts From The Provider. The Trading Agreement, The Debt Financing/Divestiture & The Structured Asset Contract & Custodial Agreement. THE TRADE AGREEMENT HAS A 45 TO 120 DAY " NON PERFORMANCE CLAUSE" WITH A FULL REFUND OF THE RETAINBER FEE IF THE PROVIDER DOES NOT PERFORM.................. The Retainer Fee is Due To The Provider For The Attorneys To Write The Contracts, Start The Due Diligence Process & Apply For Your Line Of Credit From The Bank. The Retainer Fee Is Wired Directly To The Providers Bank Account In New York. The Contracts Are Signed By The Client & Sent Back To The Provider. The Provider Has Major Credit Lines In Top 50 Banks Worldwide. Your Asset Is Not Traded, Only The Credit Line Is Traded & Your Asset Is The Collateral For The Bank. The Asset Stays In The Clients Name & Under The Client's Control. ..2M TO 100M PRIVATE PLACEMENT PROGRAM: (PPP) MONEY MOVES TO TOP SWISS BANK IN YOUR NAME, ALWAYS STAYS IN YOUR CONTROL. CORP OR PERSONAL CIS COMPLIANCE IS ATTACHED...100M+ACCELERATED BULLET PROGRAMS: CASH ONLY..100M + NO MAXIMUM: 40 WEEK TRADE. All ASSETS. ..10M+ TRADE: MONEY STAYS IN YOUR BANK IF IT IS A TOP 50 BANK WITH SWIFT CAPABILITY. . LEASE & TRADE PROGRAM FOR GLOBAL PROJECT FINANCING: We provide 100% cash backed standby letter of credit if you qualify for our program through a worldwide private investment from five million dollars to five hundred million dollars for any project worldwide. Steps and procedures to qualify as follows:..... 1. Business plan! 2. Financials and/or projections! 3. Disbursement of funds! 4. Corporate resolution! 5. U.S. Lex Kuhne to establish escrow account to handle the transaction! 6. U.S. Bank account recipient of wire transfer transaction when completed! 7. CIS COMPLIANCE DOCs ATTACHED. 8. Required 2% of funding in your own banking account as proof of funds! 9. All materials and documents when completed is forward to Mr. Sid Banner at ECC! 10. Prior approval within 72 hours from submission of documentation. 11. Fifteen business days to complete the transaction after bank has received the file. 12. This is a nonrecourse loan insured by investor for his protection! 13. There is a credit check! 14. There are no assets or collateral required to facilitate the loan! 15. NO UP FRONT FEES,SURCHARGES,REQUIRED! 16. There are no interest payments all inclusive in the transaction fees! 17. There is a 15% charge for all services provided, that is deducted once funding has been received. Should you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate in contacting us at your earliest possible convenience..FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Private Placement Programs have been available to raise funds since World War II . They are not publicly promoted and participation is by invitation only to those who have expressed interest to go forward. Non Solicitation Laws Are Followed.For Your Information: Best Trades are Cash, BGs, SBLCs, MTNs, Bonds, Brazil LTNs, etc. Our providers have a Mining Division for in Ground & Out Of Ground Assets. They have offices in 14 different countries. We can also trade 100M + Leased BGS from Top Banks that can Swift. We also Sell or Lease the BGs, SBLCs, from a Top source & have a Lease Trade program starting at 5M to 500M ........The Banking side that arranges the Trading Credit Lines, are owned by the Provider & is located in the same 14 Countries. Please note that it is not your asset that is traded, it is the Line of Credit issued by our Traders Bank with your asset as the collateral for the Line Of Credit. With a strong Trading company like ours, they have Lines of Credit in major banks all over the world. We can do assets in Russia, S. America, Europe, India, Asia, etc. & many other places on the Globe that other traders can not do.... Main Offices are in New York with Offices in the Cayman Islands, Kenya, Moscow, Costa Rica, Vancouver, Garbon, Gahanna, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Zurich, Ireland, Luxembourg, San Paulo & Miami............. You will be given the Corp. Websites & full transparency for any Due Diligence after we receive the NCND from the client & Broker. .ALL BANK INSTRUMENTS BUY OR LEASE FROM TOP EURO BANK.... OUR LEASE PROVIDER BUYS THE BGs FOR CASH AS F/C, SHELVES THE BGs & THEN SELLS OR LEASES THE BGs, SBLCs AS SLIGHTLY SEASONED. Prices For Each Lease: 8.0% + 2.0% To 11.0% + 2.0% From a Top 50 W. Euro Bank. WE SELL FRESH CUT, SLIGHTLY SEASONED OR SEASONED BGs, SBLCs, MTNs. From Top 50 W Euro Banks...INGROUND& ABOVE GROUND MINING ASSETS: MONETIZE & TRADE. OPERATING OR NON OPERATING. GEO TECHNICAL REPORTS LESS THAN 6 MONTHS OLD Or UPDATED, ASSAYS, ETC. ABOVE GROUND ASSETS REQUIRE SKRs, APPRAISALS, SAFEKEEPING RECEIPT. USA OR GLOBAL MINES ACCEPTED INTO THIS PROGRAM.BONDS: MONETIZE & TRADE OR SELL: "Cash Against Bond Instruments Program......... The Managing Director is Actively Involved With Your File. Daily CCs Are Scheduled By The Providers To Answer Any questions From The Clients Or Brokers. Private CCs With A Principal To Discuss Your File Is Part Of The Procedure. One Of The Two Owners Of 5 Trading platforms & 6 Monetizes Will Be Assisted By The Managing Director On the CCs... "Get Cash against Bond Instruments Programs: We can monetize just about any Bond instrument including certain Rail Road Bonds, German Bonds and more. Most Bonds will be accepted on Face Values of $200M and up. Monetize Bond instruments for (PPP) Trading Platform entry. Monetize Bond instruments for BOTH cash and (PPP) Trading Platform entry. Brazilian LTN's. PetrobraT and ElectrobraT Bonds*. Venezuelan LTN's. Venezuelan Global Bonds. Spanish Blue's & Spanish Purple's. Mexican Bonds. German Bonds. Chinese Bonds. Western European Bonds. US Treasury Bonds. US State Bonds. Railroad Bonds. Government-Backed Bonds. PetrobraT and Electrobra. WE ARE DIRECT TO BOND BUYERS: If you want to Sell Bonds, MTNs, CDs, BGs, or any other Instrument, simply send us the front & back copies, together with the serial numbers or item numbers.GET CASH AGAINST HERITAGE FUNDS PROGRAM: Heritage Funds Platform Trading & Funding Options. This is basically a "Redemption" program, where the client retires all debt and obligations involved with the funds BEST REGARDS.... PRAVESH (PAT) BHANDARI .CELL IN CANADA---- (604)360- 1450. MY SKYPE ID...... PRAVESHBHANDARI ri . be advised that I will report all fraud activities and attempt to commit crimes to: INTERPOL, FBI, CIA, IC3, US Treasury Dept., FinCEN, SEC, Federal Reserve, ICC Commercial Crime Services, RCMP, New Scotland Yard, City of London Fraud Squad, Crime Stoppers International as well as any Law Enforcement Agency in your area Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) , Suspicious Activity Report (SAR).



  2. Are you still operating what is your contact?

    Regards Musoke
    East Africa.
